Community Strategic Plan
With the help of community partners, the AFO undertook the ambitious task of creating the Plan stratégique communautaire (PSC) de l’Ontario français—the Community Strategic Plan for Ontario’s Francophone Community. In March 2020, with the support of PGF Consultants, the AFO launched the revision of this plan titled Vision 2025.
The updated plan is the result of an unprecedented consultation process: over 150 representatives from various organizations held meetings across the province, six papers were written, a dozen interviews were conducted with political, institutional, cultural and community leaders, and, most importantly, over 2,500 participants responded to an online survey. The latter survey was active from mid-March to the end of 2020 and inquired about the Franco-Ontarian community’s thoughts on the current objectives of the PSC as well as the new goals and directions to be included in the updated PSC.
During the annual virtual meeting of the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario (AFO), francophones shared the new vision of Ontario’s Francophonie for the next ten years. The PSC’s draft was approved. Expectations for this project are very high, and it is essential that the individuals, organizations, government partners and businesses that form the community join forces and act together.
Click on the following link to access the Strategic Plan for Ontario’s Francophone Community.
Three strategic pillars
Accessibility and use of French language services
Socio-economic integration
Retention and transmission
Inclusion and diversity
Concertation, mobilization and visibility
Pride, celebration and participation
Together let's build our #avernironfr

Political Representation
The AFO is committed to 7 priority issues. For each issue, the AFO has made recommendations to achieve its vision.

Community Strategic Plan
VISION 2025 – Building Our Future Together is French Ontario’s community strategic plan for the next 10 years.
The AFO is working on various projects to promote the Francophonie in Ontario and ensure the vitality of the Franco-Ontarian community.