Community Action Workgroups
The Community Action Workgroups are designed to create a forum for dialogue and strengthen the Franco-Ontarian network. They provide an opportunity for managerial leaders to identify key issues and adopt strategies that will support their organizations while fostering the growth of the Francophone community.
During these workshops, participants can:
- discuss the Plan stratégique communautaire (community strategic plan);
- exchange information and best practices;
- consult with other participants;
- network;
- create partnerships;
- help integrate new executive directors into the francophone network;
- discuss shared challenges and find solutions;
- develop provincial strategies;
- contribute to the provincial events calendar; and
- receive training based on their individual needs.
For more information or to join a workgroup, please visit our French webpage Tables de concertation.

Political Representation
The AFO is committed to 7 priority issues. For each issue, the AFO has made recommendations to achieve its vision.

Community Strategic Plan
VISION 2025 – Building Our Future Together is French Ontario’s community strategic plan for the next 10 years.
The AFO is working on various projects to promote the Francophonie in Ontario and ensure the vitality of the Franco-Ontarian community.