Fabien Hébert’s statement on Ontario’s 44th general election

Ottawa, February 28, 2025 – “On behalf of the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario (AFO) and the 795,760 Francophones it represents, I would like to congratulate Premier Doug Ford on his historic re-election, as well as the 123 other elected representatives who will serve in the Legislative Assembly. This re-election, marking a third consecutive mandate, is a significant moment in Ontario’s political history.

The AFO will continue its efforts to ensure that Francophone issues remain at the core of government discussions. Among our community’s priorities are access to French-language healthcare, the development of Francophone postsecondary education – particularly the Université de Sudbury file – addressing the shortage of bilingual labor, strengthening non-profit organizations, and expanding the Francophone presence in Ontario.

We also wish to congratulate Marit Stiles, Bonnie Crombie, and Mike Schreiner on their election campaigns. We are pleased to see that Francophonie played a significant role in the electoral debate, particularly through the commitments made in party platforms and the organization of the French-language debate in collaboration with Radio-Canada and Groupe Média TFO.

I would like to extend my thanks to all candidates who took part in this election, especially those who took the time to engage with the Francophone community to better understand and discuss the issues affecting us.

As several Franco-Ontarians and Francophiles take their seats in the new Legislative Assembly, we encourage all parties to work together to strengthen and advance Francophonie in Ontario. We look forward to working with the government and all elected representatives to advance the key issues that will shape the future of our community ”, said Fabien Hébert, President of AFO

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Grace Selenga
Corporate Communications Manager
Mobile : 613-878-3026